First and foremost benefit for children would be that great outdoor air they can breathe without damaging their health. Automobiles using internal combustion engines (ICEs) burning fossil fuels are the single largest contributor to air pollution on our planet, that's air pollution due to gasoline-powered cars. To emphasize on this fact let me quote:
"Components of air pollution include:
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen, aggravates lung and heart disease, and causes headaches, fatigue, and dizziness.
Sulfur Dioxides (SOx) - when combined with water vapor in the air become the major contributor to acid rain.
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) - cause the yellowish-brown haze over dirty cities, and when combined with oxygen becomes a poisonous gas that can damage lung tissue.
Hydrocarbons (HC) are a group of pollutants that react to form ozone (O3), some HCs cause cancer and others can irritate mucous membranes. Ozone (O3) is the white haze or smog seen over many cities. Ozone can irritate the respiratory system, decrease lung function, and aggravate chronic lung diseases (such as asthma).
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), although naturally occurring, can cause problems. In large quantities it allows more sunlight to enter the atmosphere than can escape - trapping excess heat that can lead to the "greenhouse effect" and cause global warming.
Ozone is a toxic gas, but it's not emitted directly from tailpipes. Ground-level ozone is formed by a chemical reaction between VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and NOx, released from fuel combustion, in the presence of sunlight. Ground-level ozone concentrations can reach unhealthful levels when the weather is hot and sunny with little or no wind. Gasoline and diesel powered cars, trucks, and buses are the major sources of NOx and VOCs.
According to the American Lung Association, ozone is a serious threat to public health. Exposure to high levels of ozone causes significantly higher rates of asthma in children. In pregnant women, it can cause a significantly higher rate of babies with birth defects.
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